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Book Review: The Language of Love And Respect

April 18, 2010 18:36 by ckincincy


I debated posting this on this blog. I try to keep this blog fairly technical, but do make an exception on occasion.

As techies, we sometimes have a hard time relating with others.  Plus our spouses need to be extra patient when we are on our 60+ hour schedules near the end of a project.  This book, while Christian at its core, is loaded with practical's for having a strong and healthy marriage.

As a member of the Thomas Nelson Blogging team I get the occasional free book to review.  When The Language of Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs came up as available I jumped all over it.

Many months later I am done.  I really struggled with reading this book because I have been reading and following Dr. Eggerichs’s teachings since he first aired on Focus on the Family many years ago.  I bought the CD of the Focus on the Family broadcast, bought and read the book, and went on a two day retreat around this teaching. 

The unfortunate side effect of this, is that there was little new in this book.  It was rehashing a lot of what I heard during the two day retreat focused on the book.  However, as I finally fought through the book I found the meat that made this book worthwhile.  Chapter 14 and on was very refreshing to read.  Several practical points with the Love and Respect teaching.  I’ll be going back over those chapters and making sure I pick up more of the pointers in them.

While my reading of this book was a bit saturated with past knowledge, if you haven’t been exposed to the Love and Respect teaching I would highly recommend this book.  This will change any marriage when applied.  Even if it doesn’t, when this book in particular is applied your perspective of your marriage will change.  It makes a difficult marriage something a person can work through personally.

Categories: Book Review
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